& Events

“Endangered” Status of Monarch Butterfly Reversed?
In a surprising turn of events, an October 2023 headline announced that the IUCN had retracted its previous declaration, stating that Monarch butterflies were no longer considered endangered. This reversal has brought added complexity to the ongoing debate surrounding their status. You can access the full article on this change HERE While many Monarch advocates,…
Untangling the Monarch Mystery: A Cautionary Tale of Premature Announcements
In the captivating world of wildlife conservation, few creatures are as enchanting as the Monarch butterfly. These delicate insects serve as poignant symbols of nature’s beauty and fragility, and their recent journey through the headlines has left us all spellbound. But let’s take a closer look at what’s unfolding behind the scenes. Picture this: In…
On The Controversy Over Milkweed & Monarch Butterflies
Posted by rdsayler | November 22, 2022 Original Article Link: On The Controversy Over Milkweed & Monarch Butterflies | School of the Environment | Washington State University ( Monarch butterfly produced in the WSU Arboretum during a 2016 breeding event. Photo by R. Sayler. If humans are good at one thing, it’s undoubtedly controversy. Pretty much any…
New Year’s Count of Western Monarchs Reveals High Seasonal Decrease Following Severe Winter Storms
Original Article: New Year’s Count Of Western Monarchs Reveals High Seasonal Decrease Following Severe Winter Storms – Western Monarch Count By Isis Howard March 2023 Western monarchs experienced a 58% seasonal decrease between the Thanksgiving and New Year’s counts. The Xerces Society’s Western Monarch Count results for the New Year’s period are now in, revealing a…
A Successful Milkweed Planting & Giveaway Event!
Thank you for a Successful Milkweed Planting & Giveaway Event! Thank you for a Successful Milkweed Planting & Giveaway Event! Thank you for a Successful Milkweed Planting & Giveaway Event! Thank you for a Successful Milkweed Planting & Giveaway Event! A Message from Native Monarchs Founder I cannot thank everyone enough for showing up to…
Ventura County Bans Tropical Milkweed
The County of Ventura has recently banned Tropical Milkweed, it can no longer be purchased at nurseries in the county. Tropical milkweed is a non-native milkweed that is a host plant to a parasite of monarch butterflies, that interferes with their life cycle. Read the ban for more details and information. Milkweed plants serve as…
An Update on Mexico Monarch Migration
Many people may not be aware that there is a different, Eastern Monarch migration that happens in Mexico at the same time as our Monarchs in California stay here and overwinter. Unfortunately with an increase in cartel violence, corrupt systems, illegal logging, and increased avocado farm footprints – the biggest Monarch preserve in the world…
Western Monarch Count, Fall Update at Pismo Beach grove
We are hearing great news from fall Western Monarch counts in 2021, and though more than 22,000 butterflies were counted at the Pismo Beach grove this fall, we must remember to stay on course in our conservation efforts, and that a one year improvement is far from recovery. Check out this article about Pismo Beach Monarch…